Best School Year Ever
It is a scientific fact - people who have their goals written down are much more successful than those who only “keep their goals in their head.”

Doing homework regularly is an important part of having a successful school year. Taking time now, at the beginning of the year, as a family to discuss good homework habits can help students reach that goal and set them up for success.Deciding as a family which homework habits will help your student reach their goals is a valuable step. It’s important to know that every child is not the same when it comes to doing homework and no one plan will work for all students:WHEN does your child do their homework?It’s important to know that everyone is not the same when it comes to doing homework, and no one plan will work for all students.Some kids can do homework as soon as they get home from school.Some kids might need a snack first and then do homework.Some kids need to recharge their batteries after school, taking 30 minutes of free time before doing homework.Not everyone can stay focused for the same period of time. While some may be able to sit down and finish their homework others will need breaks. Working for 30 minutes on homework, taking a 10 minute break, then working for 30 minutes more might be the solution.WHERE does your child do their homework?Having a specific place to do homework helps to establish a routine.Having as few distractions as possible helps us to focus. This might mean keeping the TV off or working in a quiet part of the house.At Kovar’s Satori Academies we see student’s with different needs. Some need more instruction with curriculum, others with confidence, but each one perseveres until they meet their goal. Our hope is that our students continue to persist not only in their training but also in school.For this reason Kovar's incorporates setting school goals as part of our curriculum every fall. We teach students what a goal is and how to take steps to achieve them.We also implement a homework star system to help kids start their school year right. For each week of completed homework that's turned in on time they receive a purple star for their martial arts uniform!By creating goals and setting out to accomplish them, we can make this the best school year ever!Additional School Success Tips for Your Child(ren)Establish and Write Out a Daily RoutineWrite out a schedule with the time your child will get up, eat breakfast, leave for school, and what time they'll get home, have dinner, do homework, and go to bed. Post this on your refrigerator or use a small white board. Create a bedtime habit, so that it becomes virtually automatic. Start early to allow your child to get enough sleep. End the day with low energy activities like reading.Establish Great Homework HabitsHave a set time and a quiet place for your child to do homework. Encourage them to do their best work and ask questions when they need help.Share at HomeAsk your children what they learned in school, and what was their favorite part of the day. Give them your full attention. Compliment them when they do a great job & acknowledge their achievements.Encourage Positive RelationshipsBe supportive of friendships with kids who have good character & good habits. Gently discourage relationships with kids who might have a negative influence.Remember, it takes a supportive team to be successful, and we thank you for letting us work with you and your family in reaching your goals.